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Beer Lahai Women Ministry


Beerlahai Roi Women's Ministries offers care and compassion to homeless pregnant women in a loving Christian environment. Life at the home provides a wonderful opportunity for mother and baby to bond in a setting where there is love and support. All services are free to our residents.

Women accepted to Beerlahai Roi Women's Ministries are seeking positive changes in their life to provide a hope-filled future for their children. Living at the home is restful and stress-free for mom and baby which provides time to evaluate her life choices. It is an opportunity to leave the past behind and focus on what lies ahead.

Mothers in residence at Beerlahai Roi strive to attain three main goals:

  • Learning to care for the needs of her baby
  • Growing in her relationship with God
  • Making positive choices for her future

As a Christian ministry, Beerlahai Roi encourages residents to pursue a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Living the Christian life impacts a woman's choices for good and will put her on a healthy path as she transitions back into the community.

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