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Bethlehem House


Bethlehem House is the parent organization of the Humble Lily. Since 2005, Bethlehem House has served women who are pregnant and in crisis. Proceeds from The Humble Lily help to provide financial support to the mission as we work to educate women to achieve economic self-sufficiency while restoring hope, reuniting families, and building community.

On-campus housing and structured support are available for adult women who are pregnant and lack safe housing options. Program length is typically 10-12 months and is a unique combination of classroom, skill-building, and fellowship. Together with the family life team, mothers create care plans and establish goals that are unique to their family’s needs.

Days at Bethlehem House are productive, putting plans in action. The year spent on campus is tailored at improving community supports, implementing healthy lifestyles, and launching into the early stages of self-sufficiency.

Graduation is an exciting time, and our alumni groups remain highly involved in Aftercare programs. Long term family-style commitment to our mothers is our cornerstone.

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