Lifeline Family Center is a unique, all-inclusive program that strengthens and establishes purpose and self-worth in young women who are single mothers or pregnant and ages 16 to 25. We can provide you with accurate information on all options regarding unplanned pregnancy, including education on abortion, adoption, and parenting. Our Residential Program can provide a safe, loving place for you to live and thrive, earn your high school diploma or GED, and pursue Career Training in The Learning Center. It’s not about a “one-size-fits-all” way of thinking, it’s about empowering the young women, giving her the tools she needs to create the goals she wants to accomplish in her life and for her family, coming alongside her and behind her in support as she learns how to navigate in this world. This is made possible through incredible volunteers that tutor and teach Life skills classes, our staff and life coaches.
If you believe you are pregnant, please call Lifeline Family Center today. An unplanned pregnancy does not have to be the end of your dreams!