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Mater Filius Miami


Mater Filius Miami is a Catholic apostolate created to help pregnant women in the south Florida area who find themselves without support or financial resources. Along with housing, we provide food, clothing, coordination of medical care, and a specialized plan for each mother, to lift her in dignity and give her the tools to succeed - all free of charge - from the time she enters the Mater Filius Miami home until her baby is 8 months old.

At Mater Filius Miami, all life is sacred. We accept pregnant women in need regardless of race, socioeconomic status, marital status, or religious affiliation.

Our home –

  • Provides physical, emotional, and spiritual support for pregnant women of any, or no, faith.
  • Encourages women to choose life for their unborn babies through support, education, and resources.
  • Teaches life skills, including decision-making, goal-setting, and personal responsibility.
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