The Nussbaum Maternity Home, provided by Room at the Inn, is a state-licensed maternity home in North Carolina that offers:
Additionally, we provide Life Skills Education in Parenting, Childbirth, Anger/Stress Management, Nutrition, Adoption, Dental Hygiene, Personal Hygiene; and addressing Prenatal, Medical and Dental needs, Mentoring and Spiritual Development through our Pratt Proverbs 31 Formation Program.
We provide transportation for trips related to self-sufficiency, school, job training, and health appointments.
Also, each resident receives adoption counseling from an outside adoption agency of her choice. This allows each mother to make her decisions regarding the placement of her child without pressure if she decides on adoption. We support every mother’s very personal and difficult decision regarding this.
We are very proud to be one of the few maternity homes in the nation able to accept mothers along with their existing children. It allows our mothers to keep their families intact and work toward building a new future together.
Furthermore, when one of our mothers completes the program and delivers her baby, she becomes a Room At The Inn graduate and is therefore eligible for our Aftercare program. This program helps our graduates transition to independence successfully once they are living on their own.