The INN is a sanctuary for pre and postpartum mothers in a crisis. Our mission is to follow God the Father's Will. The INN belongs to Jesus Christ through His Grace and by His means and is to be lead with the continued guidance of the Holy Spirit. The INN Ministry's motivation is to bring God's Love, through His earthly governing body, to women and children in crisis. Our mission is to follow His Vision by offering an alternative to abortion and making room at The INN when there was no room for Him two thousand years ago.
Our goals are to:
- Show God's love to mother, father, and child.
- Teach the spiritual laws in the Word of God.
- Promote and encourage moms to become spiritually, physically, and mentally stable so they will be capable of providing their own home for their children.
- Help mothers become productive members of society.
- Assist parents in learning to make good decisions for themselves and their children so they can look back without regrets.
The INN provides:
- Safe housing/Sanctuary
- Bible Study/Church/Fellowship
- Christian Counseling & Support Groups
- Distribution Outreach-items for Mother and Child (Gem Store)
- Education- Community education, Home School, and computer lab
- Job-ready skills
- Assistance in medical care, birthing, and parenting classes
- Independent living skills: cooking, sewing, and budgeting classes
- Adoption, if the mother decides on her own